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On the Campaign Trail

by Leon Duveen on 30 March, 2011

Over the last two week, I have been all around the Worksop South, delivering leaflets to most of the residents of the Ward.  The only areas I haven’t been around are those areas that got leaflets in November last year.  If you haven’t had one, or want more, please contact me & I will be happy to get one to you.
As I don’t yet have a group of willing helpers to bring in from elsewhere, I have had to do all the walking around by myself.   As you can imagine, my legs ache and I have lost some weight.  In spite of this, I am glad I have done all the work myself as I can now say that I have been to just about all parts of the Ward and found the little back streets and isolated houses that can be overlooked otherwise.
I have met a number of the people who live in Worksop South and been able to talk to them about some of the things that worry them.  Some have told me, in no uncertain terms, that they think that all politicians are corrupt and in for themselves.  I have done my best to assure them that I am standing not to make money out of being a District Councillor but because I care about how Worksop & Bassetlaw are being run by its local Council and that, if elected, I would work to make the town a better place for everyone.
I look forward to meeting more out and about over the next few weeks in the lead up to the elections on May 5th .  Till then, please feel free to contact me.

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