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John Mann joins Lib Dem Campaign for a new Bus Station for Worksop

by Leon Duveen on 20 January, 2012

Bassetlaw & Sherwood Liberal Democrats have just issued this Press Release

MP joins Lib Dem Campaign

Bassetlaw Lib Dems welcome the local MP, John Mann, joining our campaign for a new bus station for Worksop; we only ask what has taken him so long?  The problem of the bus station has been a running sore in the heart of the town for many years and successive County & District Councils have done little to resolve the issue.

Part of the problem is that the current building on Hardy Street is owned by Stagecoach and, if a new bus station is to be built on that site, then Stagecoach will want to be paid large sum of money to vacate it.  They would also want to have a new garage somewhere else in the town.  The alternative would be to buy another site the town centre but this would also cost money.

There other part of the problem is the lack of political will, both at District & County, to provide Worksop with the bus station we deserve.  If the current Labour & Tory Worksop County Councillors really want to find a solution, then we suggest that they propose a bus fare freeze on all subsidised bus services in Worksop until a new station has been built.

Lib Dems in Bassetlaw & in the County will continue to work hard to make sure we get the best for Worksop & the whole District and will work with all parties to find a solution.

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