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Labour Plans Post-Election Surprise

by Leon Duveen on 27 April, 2012

Bassetlaw and Sherwood Liberal Democrats have found out that Labour is planning a post-election change to how Bassetlaw is run.  Our sources tell us that they want to introduce a directly elected Mayor to replace the current Leader and “Cabinet” system for running the Council.

It will concentrate the power of the council into the hands of one person for four years rather that in the council.  As the new Mayor will also be full time, they will no doubt have to receive a salary, probably in the region of £80,000, to make it worth their while.

We have all seen the fiasco that has been happening in Doncaster with their elected Mayor, at odds with his Council and fast becoming a laughing stock.  We do not want this for Bassetlaw, no other mainly rural District has gone down this route and nor should we.  Show Labour what you think of this idea and vote Lib Dem to oppose it.

Update on this story:  I have been phone by the Labour Party’s Agent for the elections, Cllr Griff Wynne  this evening and he has asked me to make clear that a switch to a Mayoral system has not been discussed by the Labour group on the Council and it is not local Labour Party policy.  This I am happy to do as I know from previous discussions with Cllr Wynne that he is as opposed to the mayoral system for Bassetlaw as I am.

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