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Update on the Bus Station Campaign

by Leon Duveen on 26 February, 2012

I will try to keep everyone up to date with how the campaign is going and what we will be doing over the next few weeks.

The good news is, that even though we only started the petition this week, we already have over 50 signatures.  This has been achieved simply by word of mouth and putting some sheets in a local shop (thank you Rob Dolby’s Butchers on Plantation Hill).  Hopefully we will get many, many more over the next few weeks.  If you want to ask your friends and family to sign, you can down load a sheet from the petition web site or from Google Docs.

At the next Bassetlaw District Council on Monday March 5th, I will be asking the Council what money they are willing to put towards the Bus Station to go along with the £3 million that the County Council has allocated in its programme over the next 4 years.  It would be great if you could also be there to show the councillors how much support there is for this in the town.  The meeting starts at 7:00 and the questions are normally at the start of the meeting so you won’t have to sit through the whole meeting.

Also we are planning a Public Meeting on Saturday March 24th at the Salvation Army Hall on Newcastle Avenue, starting at 1:30 pm. (see our flyer on Goolge Docs).  We have invited representatives from both the County & District Councils and also from Stagecoach to talk about where they think we are with getting a new Bus Station for the town.  We hope you can join us there.

Thanks once again for your support,

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